KB Article #177723

Enabling Windows CAPI2 logs to troubleshoot DV


* How do you turn on CAPI2 logging in order to troubleshoot DV issues?


-- CAPI2 is a Microsoft component and the logs must be enabled via Event Viewer. You can enable CAPI2 logs on the OS by going to the Event Viewer and in the folder Applications and Services Logs\Microsoft\Windows\CAPI2 right click on Operational and then select "Enable Log".

The location the CAPI2 logs are written to can be seen by clicking on 'Properties' from the screen where you enabled them in Event Viewer. This will be a path similar to, %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2%4Operational.evtx

Reboot to make sure the changes take effect, then reproduce the issue and examine the logs.