KB Article #180615

Which Transfer CFT versions are compatible with z/OS 2.4?


Which Transfer CFT versions are compatible with z/OS 2.4?


QA has been fully conducted on z/OS 2.3 for version 3.x of Transfer CFT.

Dec. 11 2019 - Validation of CFT on z/os 2.4 started and so far, no compatibility issue have been found.

Axway will give high priority to fix any issue that may be directly linked to a compatibility with the OS.

The official supported platforms document will be updated with z/os 2.4 during 2020.

What is not decided yet, is about Transfer CFT 3.x to be supported from z/os 2.2 and higher only (so we can take advantage of the z/OS enhancement, especially in regards of the improved JCL features)

Information will be officially available early in 2020.

If the customer target an upgrade for next year, 3.3.x or 3.6 (when available) should then be considered when 'long term' is expected.