KB Article #178514

Information to collect when opening a support case on Transfer CFT


What files should I provide when opening a case for an issue?


This article has been written as a reminder about the mandatory files needed by support when opening a case.

This does not exempt you from providing a precise description of the encountered problem and, if possible, details of the steps for reproducing the issue.

The product documentation contains also some details available in chapter: Support tools and contacting Support

Some files will help to speed-up to the resolution if provided at time a case is opened to describe an issue:

On Windows and Unix, ensure to provide the output of the cft_support command.

When possible, provide the cft_support output before restarting the product, just after the issue has been detected and another output after having restarted the product.

On Unix, if a core dump has been recorded, be sure to attach to the case the debug details from the core file taken from the system where the issue occurred.

The core file itself can also be provided or at least, secured so it remains available on request.

For easy-step in collecting the debug details from a core file, GDG or DBX utility can be used:

Details are available in KB articles below:

On the mainframe, ensure to attach the documentation in plain ASCII text so it can be read and shared easily.

The full sysout of the Copilot and /or CFT job is needed.

The CFT sysout includes the needed log messages that are not part of the file extracted by the XSUPPORA job (CFT_support for z/OS).

If a CEEDUMP is available (in case of a DUMP), it should be provided also in plain ASCII text.

CFT_support is available on all CFT platforms:

The cft_support tool collects all of the needed information from the customer's Transfer CFT installation environment, including the static configuration (PARM/PART), Unified Configuration parameters (UCONF), catalog information, communication media file status (CFTCOM), log files, execution environment (variables), disk space, and so on.

This information is then packaged into a archive file called cft-support-<date>(.tar.gz|.zip).

Note: When using the cft_support tool on other Operating Systems, refer to the OS-specific guide for the correct syntax.


In command line enter: cft_support collect


The CFTSUPPORT command executes the CFTSUPPORT program by submitting the script CFTPGMn/CFTSRC MBR(B_SUPPORTn), which retrieves information about the Transfer CFT. In the script name, the 'n' value represents the Transfer CFT environment number (from 1 to 5).


Run the JCL XSUPPORA. You can transfer the resulting file to a Windows system, zip it, and email it to the support.
Also, provide the full job sysout (CFTOUT, SGSTAE, SGTRACE, LOG CFT)and the CEEDUMP if any.

At any time, support can ask for more files if needed. Be aware to keep any files related to the reported issue until it's resolution.